Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Link to all resources for Assignment 3


(zipped file)

*note: the same file has been submitted to coursefolder

Final Text


The original plan that was suggested in the proposal was related more towards parametrics, however, there is a slight change of plan in terms of the function inside the Exhibition Space. I strongly wanted to experiment with Galapagos Evolutionary Solver which suggest more towards the term Evolving Architecture and thus based on that idea I came up with design and the function I want to apply, which is by controlling the openings in the Exhibition Space.



Involving Evolutionary Algorithms into Architecture is becoming more popular among designers. “Igloo-like Space” is designed using the Galapagos Evolutionary Solver in Grasshopper and the main purpose is to be able to control the entrances in the Exhibition Space. The application used was to detect the number of visitors in the building, and the solver will then adjust the opening of the entrances in the Exhibition Space according to the number of people in the building. “The larger the amount of people in the space, the bigger the opening of the entrance space“. With the application, the openings of the entrance spaces are constantly changing and thus create Evolving Architecture.


The geometry and the structure of the Exhibition Space are designed with the idea of having a view. The site is located in Sydney’s Circular Quay, overlooking Sydney Harbour. Because the site is so close to water, the geometry of the building should relate to water and also enhance the Sydney Harbour foreshore and by creating an Igloo-like Exhibition Space, it gives people a close sense of water and the thought of the Exhibition Space itself formed by water.

The structure of the Exhibition Space is mainly supported by external diagrid steel framed outside the building, the benefit for using external diagrid steels is it will have more space in the Exhibition Space as no perimeter columns are needed. Also, with glass panels, it provides a beautiful view from the Exhibition Space.


The Exhibition Space consists of six floors. It is designed for tourists as well as the local people to visit. Functions and exhibition displays can be held here as it provides one of the best view and top attraction spots in Sydney. There will be cafes on the ground floor and exhibition spaces on each floor as well as small and big halls to accommodate big events and smaller events. It will be a nice space just for people to gather around and find leisure in it.



With A View


Monday, 18 June 2012

Photos of final Physical Model

Photos of final Physical Model

Flat Out Material

Tasks 12- Images

I for Igloo

Different Material. Glass and Mosaic

Top View, Elevation

Draft Poster



Involving Evolutionary Algorithms into Architecture is becoming more popular among designers. “Igloo-like Space” is designed using the Galapagos Evolutionary Solver in Grasshopper and the main purpose is to be able to control the entrances in the Exhibition Space. The application used was to detect the number of visitors in the building, and the solver will then adjust the opening of the entrances in the Exhibition Space according to the number of people in the building. 


The structure of the Exhibition Space is mainly supported by external diagrid steel framed outside the building, the benefit for using external diagrid steels is it will have more space in the Exhibition Space as no perimeter columns are needed. Also, with glass panels, it provides a beautiful view from the Exhibition Space.


The Exhibition Space consists of six floors. It is designed for tourists as well as the local people to visit. Functions and exhibition displays can be held here as it provides one of the best view and top attraction spots in Sydney. There will be cafes on the ground floor and exhibition spaces on each floor as well as small and big halls to accommodate big events and smaller events. It will be a nice space just for people to gather around and find leisure in it.

Laser Cutting - grasshopper

Using waffle system

Producing the slices (x and y)


Tasks 11- Final grasshopper script

The Exhibition Space

Galapagos controls the sliders of the openings of the entrance inside the exhibition space

The base of the Exhibition Space

Fitness Function that sets what Galapagos should test

The Best Solution when the number of people in the Exhibition Space is maximum.

This is the optimum solution for the design of the building as well as openings of entrance inside the Exhibition Space.